
What is affiliate marketing?

Choose the performance solution for home and fashion.

affiliation marketing

A Roiste acquisition channel

Affiliation is a performance marketing lever by which a merchant site (advertiser) offers a network of partner sites (known as affiliates or publishers) to promote its products or services through advertisements. In return, these affiliates receive a commission for every sale, click or action generated thanks to their distribution. This creates a win-win relationship where the advertiser benefits from increased visibility and the affiliate from a new source of revenue.

What’s more, this strategy makes it possible to reach targeted audiences and optimize ROI.


How does affiliate marketing work?

The merchant site allocates remuneration to the publisher in exchange for this visibility. Depending on the expectations and objectives of advertisers, different compensation models can be put in place. The particularity of these models is that they are all anchored in a logic of performance and efficiency. To be paid, the affiliate must therefore carry out the action predetermined by the advertiser (a sale, filling in a form, etc.).


They click on the offer link and arrive on the advertiser's site.


He promotes the advertiser's offer on his site.


The customer converts on his site


manages the advertiser's campaign and tracks conversion.

Compensation models

The different models of remuneration in affiliation are as follows:

Cost per purchase (CPA)

Cost per purchase (CPA)

This mode of commission consists of remunerating the publisher for each sale that he generates from the traffic returned from his site.
That is to say each time an Internet user from the publisher’s site places an order on the advertiser’s site.
The commission can be fixed or variable (percentage on the amount of the sale). In the case of a percentage on sales, this will be defined in agreement with the advertiser according to its average basket and its margin rate.

Cost per click (CPC)

Cost per click (CPC)

Each click by a web surfer on an advertising medium is remunerated by a fixed amount in euros (ranging from a few cents to several dozen cents, depending on the targeting requested and the sector of activity). With this model, the advertiser commissions the publisher for each visitor sent to their site. The primary goal for CPC affiliate programs is to drive as much qualified traffic to their site as possible.

Cost per lead (CPL)

Cost per lead (CPL)

A lead is a sales contact, a potential customer (prospect). CPL consists of paying publishers for each lead it generates for the advertiser. The type of paid actions in a CPL affiliate program basically depends on how the advertiser wants to retrieve prospect information. Among the most frequent actions are filling out a form (request for quote, etc.), subscribing to a newsletter, downloading a document (catalogue, brochure, etc.)

Affiliation media

To help them promote their offers, advertisers need to provide publishers with various promotional tools. The most common are banners, mailing kits, text links, product feeds and discount codes. This promotional material is central to the device of any affiliate campaign. Its quality and presence in sufficient numbers are essential.

The more an advertiser offers varied media, regularly updated and optimized for conversion, the more publishers will be receptive and motivated to relay them. For advertisers who do not have the internal resources necessary to produce these promotional tools, we provide them with our graphic studio.

affiliation supports

The role of Casaneo, the affiliation platform
home & fashion


Advertiser (merchant)

Owner of an ecommerce site who wishes to sell products with the help of an affiliate via the affiliate network or an affiliation platform. He pays by results (CPA (% on sales, CPC, CPL etc...)).
She runs an online fashion boutique.
plateforme d'affiliation casaneo

Affiliation platform (Casaneo)

It provides the affiliation platform where advertiser and publisher are connected to each other. It provides banners and affiliate links to the publisher for product promotion.

In the Casaneo team, he is the trusted third party for all players.

Affiliate (publisher)

Affiliate who owns a website, blog or technology. He wants to monetize his web traffic by placing affiliate links (or banners) pointing to the merchant's products.
She has a blog specializing in fashion accessories

The affiliate platform sits in the middle of this equation between advertisers and the publisher network. It acts as a trusted third party between the two parties, guaranteeing the smooth running of transactions and managing payments to publishers. It also provides a technical solution for recording and tracking the actions of web users.

Why integrate affiliate marketing into your

réponse à adapté à l'objectif

1. A response tailored to your objectives

Affiliation, thanks to the wide range of performance solutions that it aggregates, makes it possible to respond to all the problems and objectives of advertisers:

• Generate qualified traffic on its site

• Increase sales

• Collect qualified profiles

• Develop its notoriety

• Promote its products and services

• Build customer loyalty

– Generate buzz around your brand.

levier marketing

2. A powerful marketing lever

In the current economic context where marketing budgets are shrinking and where advertisers are more attentive than ever to the return on investment (ROI) of their online marketing campaigns, affiliation stands out for its profitability-oriented approach and its 100% model. to performance.

With membership:

• You only pay when you get results

• You maximize your income without risk taking with a minimum of financial expenditure

• You extend your presence on the web and boost your conquest of new customers

• You eliminate overhead and improve the ROI of your online marketing actions

mise en place sans contrainte

3. Installation without constraints

Setting up and managing a successful affiliate program cannot be improvised and requires in-depth knowledge of the sector. That’s why, as an affiliation platform and performance marketing expert, we can help you set up your campaign without any constraints.

So we take care of:

• Quick and simplified set-up of your campaign

• Real-time monitoring of your performance

• Processing monthly payments from your affiliates

We also provide you with all the infrastructure and technical interface you need to manage your program:

• No software to install or maintain

• No additional hardware or server resources required

Would you like to find out more about Casaneo?

You are
an advertiser

Activate your affiliate program now and boost the growth of your online business.

You are
a publisher

Monetize the audience of your website or app, and increase your revenues by distributing premium brands.

You are
an agency

Help your customers diversify their acquisition channels with the most cost-effective lever.

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