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Email Retargeting to convert your visitors

All digital marketing experts have one thing in mind: maximize conversions. This is even more the case with affiliation (given that we’re on a performance marketing solution).

There are several types of affiliation, including e-mail retargeting.

What does it involve, and how can it be used to its full potential? This article will help you find out more.

What exactly is email retargeting?

First and foremost, we would like to emphasize thatemail retargeting must not be confused with classic retargeting. As the name suggests, the former uses the emailing channel, while the latter allows you to display your advertising messages on sites other than your own (also known as retargeting).

In all cases, the objective is the same: target users who have shown an interest in your offer and/or brand, and turn them into customers.

These may be people who read your content, who have put products in the shopping cart without going through to the purchase phase, who have already bought from you or who have subscribed to your newsletter.

To put it simply: e-mail retargeting is a a follow-up e-mail to your prospects that should make them want to take the desired action (usually buying).

Using email remarketing effectively

Depending on your objectives and targets, you’ll use email retargeting differently. Let’s take a look at the best practices in email retargeting in detail.

Put an end to cart abandonment

Although the various studies on shopping basket abandonment have fluctuating data, according to Baymard Institutethe average basket abandonment rate will be 73% on average in 2020 (69.80% over 10 years). This represents an amount of 260 billion dollars over 10 years.

Among the main reasons cited by Internet users:

  • Additional costs (mainly delivery) too high for 49% of respondents;
  • The obligation to create an account for 24% of respondents;
  • Delivery too slow (19%);
  • Too long and/or complicated purchasing process (18%);
  • 17% don’t want to give their credit card number to the site, or can’t calculate the total cost of the order in advance.

So, thanks to email retargeting, you can give this type of user a boost by sending them a personalized email.

If you want to keep it classic, you can just remind them that they have products in the basket waiting to be purchased. But that’s usually not enough. Very often, a voucher can help finalize an order.

Obviously, the message has to be powerful enough to make the prospect want to give you a second chance.

Please note: look at the reasons given above, and check that you’re meeting users’ expectations.

Re-target your engaged visitors

Do you already have a large customer base? We then talk about engaged visitors.

In this case, it’s easier if they’re already loyal to you. Email retargeting will only be an email for remind you of them.

First of all, you need to categorize your users in order to target differently those who read your content but don’t buy, from those who read and buy (or buy at all).

The former may need some help to get through the purchasing process (a discount voucher, the sharing of a shopping guide or an item that meets their current needs). The latter will undoubtedly be interested in your promotions and new products (as well as your shopping guides and all your buying aid content, of course).

In fact, the content shared will depend on the user’susers’ progress through the conversion tunnel. We often work with people in the research phase.

With the help of a personalized retargeting emailing scenarioscenario, you’ll increase your chances of improve your conversion rate. The idea is to show that you understand their needs without pushing the sale too hard.

If you convert, all the better (that’s the goal). If you don’t convert right away, you’ve reminded them by adding value. This can put you in the trusted partner.

Re-target your active and inactive customers

Last possibility: target people who have already purchased, but haven’t returned to your site (it’s up to you to specify the ideal time frame).

There are two types of customers here:

  • Inactive customers ;
  • Customers who have just bought from your site.

For the former, you can create a retargeting email campaign to remind them of you. To do this, you can use a specific scenario that evolves according to the actions of your dormant customer, until he finally buys in.

For the latter, it’s easy to assume that because they’ve bought from your site, the work has been done. This means forgetting the possibility of re-purchase. A simple email a few days later highlighting complementary products and promotions can promote cross-selling and rapid re-purchasing on your site. For this part, it’s important to know andidentify your target.

Email Retargeting: beware of the RGPD!

In recent years, legislation to protect the privacy of Internet users has become increasingly stringent. So, since the creation of RGPDcompanies have been forced to rethink their emailing strategy.

You should know that you can only send commercial e-mails to people who have given you permission to do so (known as opt-in email addresses). The same applies to cookie collection on your site.

So make sure you comply with current European legislation before starting your retargeting email campaign.

Of course, if you need help creating or optimizing your email retargeting campaigns, Casaneo ‘s teams are at your disposal.


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