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Our affiliate marketing tips for growing your business in 2021

affiliation marketing 2021

If you’ve been following us for a while, you’re probably already familiar with the principle of affiliation. For beginners, affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing solution that brings together an advertiser and a publisher site to promote a product or service. He will be remunerated according to his results.

Today, this solution has been enriched to include many new promotional tools and communication media.

Are you interested in this lever? If so, discover our affiliate marketing consultancy for advertisers and publishers.

Affiliate marketing tips for advertisers in 2021

As an advertiser, you can create campaigns that meet specific objectives. Some are designed to improve online visibility, while others are designed to improve sales and revenue (or both at the same time).

In any case, here’s our first piece of advice: clearly define your objectives and take the time to select the affiliate profiles you want to work with.

By way of example, you should know that influencers, emailing or premium publishers are recommended for traffic or lead generation whereas retargeters, coupon and cashback sites are more suited to sales enhancement strategies.

Please note: it is possible to opt for affinity publisher sites (a thematic community specializing in a specific subject). This makes it easier to reach specific audiences for better lead generation.

Once the affiliate profiles have been selected, provide them with the tools they need to promote your company effectively. This can be a banner, a link, a mailing kit or a product feed.

During the campaign, remember to consult the results obtained as regularly as possible, focusing on the most important KPIs (Cost per Lead, Click Rate, Conversion Rate, ROI, etc.). This will enable you to optimize it if necessary.

Good to know: you can alsoanimate your programs setting up challenges to encourage your affiliates to talk about you (rather than your competitors). This is especially true at peak commercial times.

Affiliate marketing tips for publishers in 2021

Do you have a high-traffic site that you want to monetize? In this case, affiliation may be a solution worth considering. If this isn’t the case, but you’re still interested in affiliation, you’ll need to create quality content to attract visitors to your site. The more you develop your audience, the more brands will be interested in you.

Once you have established an affiliate relationship with an advertiser, your goal will be to create quality content that will boost both click-through and conversion rates. The richer the content you provide, the more likely your audience will be to listen to your advice and trust your affiliate partner.

If you can, don’t hesitate to multiply your speaking and marketing content. You can produce a product video test, publish a shopping guide, promote coupons or cashback, etc.

Your goal is to promote a product, brand or service intelligently and without lying to your users. Normally, the advertiser will have given you all the tools you need to get the campaign up and running quickly.

It’s up to you to do your utmost to to promote your advertising partner while offering your visitors quality content that meets their expectations, desires and needs.

The role of an affiliate marketing platform in 2021

Whether you’re an advertiser or a publisher, it’s possible to get into affiliation on your own. But it can quickly become difficult to keep track of both campaigns and payments.

To do this, you can enlist the help of an affiliation platform, which acts as an intermediary and trusted third party. His goal: to have a advisory role for both advertisers and publishers, helping both parties to create and manage high-performance campaigns.

At Casaneo, for example, we attach great importance to providing all our users with high-performance tools dedicated to managing their campaigns. This takes the form of a dedicated interface with a wealth of information and statistics, and sophisticated sophisticated tracking software guaranteeing optimal traceability of campaign operations. A dedicated account manager is also available to support professionals who so wish.

Whatever the case, in 2021, affiliation will continue to grow and attract more and more advertisers and publishers. By 2020, an estimated 81% of brands use affiliation as part of their marketing strategy while affiliate revenues have grown by 10% every year every year since 2015 (representing, on average, 15% of all marketing budgets).

Want to know more about affiliation? We’ll be happy to answer your questions and help you create and optimize your campaigns.


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