Although affiliation records a positive evolution and a real growth, year after year, we observe that there are still some brakes to the affiliation marketing to test this channel in certain people. Indeed, many professionals are still hesitant to get started.
In this article, we will focus on the main obstacles related to affiliation and how to get around them.
First obstacle: difficulty in recruiting affiliates
According to studies on the subject, the main obstacle to affiliation concerns, for the advertiser, the difficulty of recruiting affiliates .. This can refer both to recruitment problems as such, but also to partnerships with certain affiliates that do not correspond to the advertiser’s needs (poor results, bad site theme, etc.).
In this case, it is necessary to take a step back both on its way of recruiting its affiliate partners and on its product.t . Without forgetting the financial aspect as well as the promotional elements made available to affiliates.
Indeed, you should know that a program with too low commissions may not attract many people. In addition, an affiliate will always ask the advertiser for a minimum of advertising material to be able to highlight the product or service concerned. If the advertiser does not play the game, it is obvious that the affiliate will find it difficult to agree to help him promote his service or product.
Recruit affiliates: our advice
If you are having trouble recruiting your affiliates , take an interest in your product and the opinions on it. If they are bad, your objective will be to know the reasons in order to reverse the balance. Because you know that an affiliate puts his reputation at stake when he praises the merits of a product (especially for influencers). In this case, he must be sure of the quality of the goods or service.
If the product is good, ask yourself the commission question and see where you stand against the competition. feel free to readjust the commission if necessary and offer different types of remuneration (pay per click/CPC, pay per lead/CPL, pay per sale/CPA, etc.).
As such, be sure to have an advanced tracking tool in order to be able to remunerate your affiliates precisely according to the results obtained while avoiding fraud.
Finally, be sure to provide the right promotional elements (banner, image, commercial arguments, product feeds, etc.). The objective being to facilitate the work of your affiliates .
Second brake: affiliation is a time-consuming activity
The harder it is to recruit affiliates, the more time you will waste. This does not make you want to continue the experiment further.
Companies that can recruit a person dedicated to affiliation who is responsible for managing their affiliate programs as well as possible (by recruiting the right affiliates, meeting their needs and leading the campaigns). Larger structures may have an entire team dedicated to affiliate marketing while others choose to entrust this task to the marketing department.
If you don’t have the time or the means to fully focus on your affiliate programs (creation and optimization), it may be worth approaching a dedicated platform or an affiliate marketing agency.
By calling on Casaneo, you benefit from a dedicated advisor who will support you in the implementation of your programs and their redefinition if necessary, taking into account the results obtained compared to those planned.
Third obstacle: affiliation is a channel that lacks transparency
Some people are hesitant to use affiliate marketing as part of their lack of channel transparency .
Several issues are involved:
- Concerns related to tracking;
- The low quality of some affiliate sites;
- Unqualified affiliate traffic.
For the first point, it is true that there are stories of affiliate fraud. This concerns, for example:
- Affiliates who will use robots whose role is to automatically click many times on the ad in order to inflate the numbers and create artificial traffic;
- Non-compliance with advertisers’ instructions;
- Voluntary circumvention (or not) of the prohibitions imposed by the advertiser;
- The lie about the nature of the site;
- On the affiliator side, it also happens that some unscrupulous advertisers unmark the page for monitoring commissions.
In any case, the use of a sophisticated tracking tool solves this fraud problem. It is also recommended to opt for pay per double click or action.
Regarding the low quality of affiliate sites, this may have been true at first, but with the popularity of this channel, more and more publishers are choosing to take an interest in it. Meven display advertising specialists are getting into it. Thus, as an advertiser, it is important to carefully choose your partners by informing you precisely about the quality of their site (customer opinion, natural referencing, etc.).
What to do in case of bad results?
This also applies to low traffic and/or low-qualified traffic generated by affiliation. If the results of your affiliate programs do not satisfy you, they must be optimized to improve them. In the event of low-qualified traffic, end the commercial relationship with your affiliate and/or refine your target .
You have understood it: for each problem and obstacle linked to affiliate marketing, its solution. And if you really don’t have the opportunity to manage your programs as well as possible, but you are still interested in affiliation, get closer to an affiliation platform .
If you evolve in the worlds of fashion and home, we are at your disposal to accompany you and advise you.
Affiliation Marketing at your fingertips