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Why use Affiliate on Black Friday?

Coming straight from the USA, Black Friday has become, in France too, an unmissable event. Indeed, although it is followed by Cyber Monday, which occurs on the Monday after Black Friday, Black Friday is well and truly anchored in the mores of online consumers. Cyber Monday just allows you to extend the period of good deals a little more.

Therefore, for brands and advertisers, it is an unmissable event that should not be missed.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to increase visibility and conversion rates before, during and after Black Friday.

Affiliation and Black Friday: why does it work?


We had predicted the death of physical stores with the emergence of e-commerce. However, there is nothing. We also mention the notion of phygital to talk about consumers who begin their research phase online to buy in store (or vice versa).

What should we understand from this trend? It’s simple: consumers always need advice . It is for this reason that the opinions of testers and customers as well as word of mouth are always so important. Just look at the weight of sites such as The Fork, Tripadvisor or even social networks to be convinced.

As a result, for a brand, getting closer to influential players in their sectors represents a real business opportunity . Without forgetting the fact of transforming buyers into ambassadors.

The objective: to be able to attract the Internet user in the research phase or convince him to choose your site rather than that of the competitor . But also reassure him about the quality of your products/services and promote an excellent customer experience throughout the conversion funnel.

As such, thanks to its pay-for-performance and its ability to offer promotional campaigns with excellent ROI, affiliation is a very popular advertising format during major annual events. Especially for Black Friday and the holiday season.

Some Proven Affiliate Marketing Techniques


Obviously, the first thing to do is to offer original and engaging content on your website. But also content to offer to your affiliate partners. Without forgetting that you too can publish content from partner brands or sites that complement your business and generate more traffic on your site. This can be text content for a blog, press release, images or video banners.

If you have planned to provide content to various carefully curated sites, feel free to create an optimized landing page for Black Friday . This must correspond to the offer put forward and have all the characteristics of a high-performance page to meet your objectives (retrieve your visitors’ contacts or make them want to start the purchase process).

Don’t forget to share your content on your social networks as well. By choosing the right time and the right sites to target the right audience.

Another channel that is still very effective: emailing . Whether by your own means or by integrating your promotional message into the emailing campaigns of your affiliate partners.

Finally, some brands are taking advantage of this moment to set up contests and win valuable prizes for their customers. Obviously, here again, affiliation is a very powerful tool for promoting your event and encouraging excellent participation (thus offering you good visibility and collecting a few email addresses along the way).

Livre blanc affiliation marketing Casaneo

Affiliation Marketing at your fingertips


Why use an agency specializing in affiliate marketing?


As a general rule, the holiday season is very busy for e-merchants. Having to manage the influx of visitors and the numerous orders is very time-consuming. As a result, the communication part often goes by the wayside.

This is a mistake, because it is precisely at this moment that you have to put yourself forward. Since the vast majority of Christmas shopping is done during this day, it would be silly to let your competitors pocket the jackpot for you.

Therefore, by allowing a specialized agency to manage your campaign for you, you free up your time while benefiting from a paid-for-performance service.

Without forgetting that the agencies have their own network of trusted partners and do what is necessary to link together complementary brands that cannot encroach on each other.

In addition, at Arkheus we specialize in the fashion and home sectors. Thus, we know how to attract, convert and retain your privileged targets. While offering you regular reports.

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