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6 tips to boost your conversion rate

augmenter son taux de conversion

The conversion rate is a particularly important KPI in web marketing. It enables precise evaluation of a campaign’s performance. This applies to all communication operations. Including affiliation.

Discover our tips for increase your conversion ratein general, but also for your affiliate campaigns.


Work on the design and ergonomics of your communication elements

The design will be what jumps out at your prospect or customer. That’s why you need to work on it to make it work for your communication. This includes both your communication media and your website (as well as your product packaging if applicable).

Warning: working on your design doesn’t mean creating overloaded creations. By the way, every time you want to add a new graphic element to your message or your site, think of Google. Although the design is minimalist, it’s the most visited page in the world.

For your affiliate campaign, design refers to your graphic messages (banner, for example), your site and, above all, your landing page. The latter should not be too heavy to avoid long loading times. It must also respond precisely to the needs of Internet users.


Optimize your content

Today, content remains the cornerstone of any communication campaign.. They can be text, video, image or a combination of all 3. In any case, to achieve an excellent conversion rate, you need to work on them so that they respond precisely to your targets’ needs. In other words, use the right terms and, as far as possible evoke the desired emotion in your customer or prospect.

In affiliation, content can take the form of a bannera sponsored article or even a video. In all cases, make sure you put forward the arguments that will strike a chord with your audience. Not to mention the use and abuse of CTA (call to action) that will encourage visitors to take action (buy, click on the ad, book an appointment…).


Reassure your prospects

All the studies on the subject show it word-of-mouth is still one of the most powerful buying factors. A person who has been recommended a product or service is more likely to be interested in it. That’s why more and more brands are turning to influencers to present their bids. Followed by thousands of followers, it’s possible to drastically increase sales and visibility by taking advantage of the notoriety of this type of personality.

Don’t hesitate to use the following elements in your sales pitchelements of reassurance. This will encourage your customers and prospects to trust you, and therefore to carry out the desired action.

For example: customer testimonials, the rating awarded by a neutral site (such as Trustpilot) or commercial advantages (money-back guarantee, free delivery, no-obligation subscription, etc.).


Set up time-limited promotions

It’s a fact: Internet users love promotions. That’s why the cashback is growing in popularity.

What is cashback? It’s a win-win situation, offering customers a refund in euros for part of their purchase. It differs from discount coupon which is used before purchase.

According to certain studiescashback can boost conversion rates by around 5%.

If, on top of that, you impose a sense of urgency sense of urgencyyou’ll see your conversion rate soar.

For example: -X% on a product if purchased within 48 hours, or promotions for the first 100 buyers.

We’ve already mentioned cashback and coupons, two tried-and-tested affiliates. However, these are not the only forms of promotion offered by affiliation. the remarketing is, in fact, an effective way of making people who have shown an interest in you want to come back to your site. We are also thinking of influencers or l’email marketing.


Work on your brand image

We mentioned earlier the obligation to reassure customers. This also (and above all) involves working on your brand image. In other words, the image you give to people who are interested in you.

Why are people prepared to buy an overpriced smartphone when other phones of the same ilk can cost 2 or 3 times less? Because they trust the brand. Confidence in the product and confidence in the company’s ability to manage any problems encountered.

So if you want to increase your conversion rate, make customer satisfaction your top priority. customer satisfaction your spearhead. And don’t forget your colleagues, because your employees are your first ambassadors.

In affiliate marketing, branding involves, among other things taking care of your affiliates by offering them attractive remuneration and animating your campaigns.


Take an interest in your conversion tunnel

Finally, to boost your conversion rate, it’s important to set up a conversion tunnel. Taken in the form of a funnel, this marketing concept focuses on the different phases of conversion to identify what works and what needs to be optimized.

It comprises 4 phases: attraction, lead conversion, customer transformation and loyalty.

Here’s a concrete example: your publication generates a lot of hits. And yet, when you study your conversion tunnel, you notice that visitors don’t go any further. The problem lies in converting leads. In this case, you’ll need to rework your landing page.

Thanks to the conversion tunnel, you can quickly and easily identify problem areas. Then it’s up to you implement corrective actions and observe results again.


You need help ? In this case, there’s nothing better than a affiliation platform to advise and support you. Get in touch with one of Casaneo’s experts today and let us help you boost your conversion rate.


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