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Affiliation: what are the benefits for brands and publishers?

Widely used in the United States, but still underestimated in France, affiliate marketing is growing year by year in France.

Visit latest studies indicate that growth will average +7% on average per year in France. What’s more, affiliation is beginning to eat into the market share of other business levers (Display, Search and Social, among others).

Still haven’t decided whether to become an affiliate? Whether you’re an affiliate or an advertiser, here are a few good reasons to take an interest in this performance marketing solution.

The benefits of affiliation for brands/advertisers

For advertisers/affiliators, the main advantage of affiliation is that you can set up campaigns that are guaranteed to be profitable. In fact, unlike other
business levers
which require a certain cost to set up, affiliation is based on a principle of on a pay-for-performance basis.

This means, in other words, that you only pay your affiliate partner on the basis of
results achieved
. That’s why affiliation is so attractive to small companies that don’t have the marketing and communications budgets of larger structures.

So, whatever your objectives, as an advertiser you can use affiliation to improve your visibility on the web or boost your sales. Not to mention the possibility of
generate leads
by taking advantage of this business lever to significantly increase your traffic.

Another indirect benefit of affiliation: by using publisher sites with a certain influence within your sector, you gain credibility with your target audience. This can have short- and long-term repercussions on your business.

In addition, it is possible to precisely target specific audiences for ultra-qualified promotional campaigns.

To sum up, here are the main advantages of an affiliate campaign for an advertiser:

  • Relatively low set-up costs;
  • Fully controlled budget ;
  • Choose from a range of remuneration options to suit your objectives;
  • Make yourself known to a target audience to obtain leads and/or improve your sales.

Please note: affiliate marketing can be used during certain periods of the year (e.g. during commercial highlights such as sales, Black Friday, etc.) or on a continuously.

The benefits of affiliation for publisher/affiliate sites

Of course, affiliation couldn’t exist without publisher sites. The latter are in charge of the promoting advertisers’ messages.

The question is: what benefits can a publisher site derive from affiliation?

To answer this question, you first need to quantify your site’s traffic or your audience as an influencer. If you have very high monthly traffic or a large number of followers, affiliate marketing can provide you with an attractive source of passive income.

What’s more, affiliation encourages the sharing of fresh, original content with your audience (this is especially true for
content publishers
). This makes it possible to offer discount coupons, product tests or shopping guides. In short: content likely to interest your followers.

Finally, by attracting big-name brands to your site, you’ll also gain notoriety and
reputation and credibility
with the people who follow you. In fact, if advertisers are interested in you, it means you already have some clout in your sector.

In a nutshell: for a publisher, affiliation means create a virtuous spiral and generate ever more traffic, and therefore ever more revenue. Provided you negotiate the right remuneration model at the start of the contract.

The affiliation platform: the best partner for advertisers and affiliates

Affiliation is a digital marketing lever that requires tracking tools to operate. This can be a daunting prospect for smaller companies who don’t have the time or technological know-how to take care of their digital communications.

To simplify this commercial partnership, there is a third party: the
affiliation platform
. Its role is simple: it must act as a link between the affiliate and the advertiser.

This means providing a dedicated dedicated space with various statistics and a sophisticated tracking tool (the latter is very important, as it controls affiliate results and therefore determines payment).

But that’s not all! An affiliation platform offers advertisers a selection of affiliates interested in affiliation (and vice versa).

This allows you to test affiliation with complete peace of mind.

Want to know more? Would you like to create an affiliate campaign or improve a program that isn’t getting the results you’re looking for? Casaneo’s affiliation experts are at your disposal to discuss your project.


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