The blog

Black Friday: the best time to monetize your traffic.

After hard and steady work, you finally manage to get thousands of people on your site every month. People are even starting to talk about you on different networks. So you are ready to monetize your traffic.

And nothing better than Black Friday to take the plunge .

Some numbers that make you dizzy


Every year, Black Friday smashes all online sales records . In 2017, the number of sales increased by +30% (compared to 2016). And it is not the big sites that will contradict this trend since Amazon recorded a +40% increase in its turnover and Cdiscount a volume of business estimated at more than 40 billion euros (nearly 5 times on a normal day).

Suffice to say that brands will fight to be the first to attract customers. This allows publisher sites to easily monetize their traffic.

You still have to make brands want to appear on your site…

A site with a nice growth curve


As much to say it right away: if you have a blog with only a few visitors a day, advertisers will avoid you like the plague. To interest brands, you must at all costs have built a good SEO strategy that allows you to get enough visits per day to have a certain weight in your sector .

Thus, to attract advertisers, the first step is to get people talking about you and to show that you are capable of attracting Internet users yourself. It’s the BA-BA.

Before monetizing your traffic, consider creating a large and consistent visitor/customer database (taking into consideration the new GDPR measure, of course).

A clear and defined editorial line


The hardest part of owning a blog is staying within a clear editorial line and addressing a single target. It is, in fact, relatively tempting to deviate a little to try to attract more and more visitors.

Still, if you want to monetize your traffic, that’s a really bad idea. Indeed, by wanting to attract everyone, you will not interest anyone.

Thus, fully assume your positions and show that you are a specialist in your sector. This will send a positive signal to the different brands that will come to you on their own.

Publishers and advertisers need to agree on the issue of displayed and actual values . As such, if you can, only accept brands that also share your values. At the risk of severely damaging your reputation (and that of the advertiser).

Original and regular content


Posting new competition-pumped content every once in a while isn’t going to get you anywhere. Advertisers are fond of pioneering sites and not sites that follow the trend.

Therefore, the monetization of your audience requires the implementation of a strong content strategy based on regular and original publications . Right now, storytelling is all the rage. But that’s not the only way to meet your readers’ expectations. You can also offer infographics or a white paper.

Of course, don’t forget all the visual content that needs to be impactful . In fact, you have understood that each page of your site must be as attractive in substance as in form.

Black Friday: a commercial event above all


We must not forget the primary goal of advertisers: to advertise to acquire more turnover. Therefore, the number of visits is not enough. Especially since this data is increasingly biased because of the many bots that roam the web on a daily basis.

To interest a merchant, you must talk to him about ROI by evoking your engagement rate, for example, or the bounce rate of your pages . Without forgetting the Google Page Rank which is a safe bet.

It is obvious that a blog has a higher bounce rate than an e-commerce site. However, you cannot offer advertising space with a CPM offer when your average bounce rate is 90%.

Put yourself in the place of the advertiser and ask yourself about the insights of your site to highlight , according to the expectations of advertisers and your sector. By finding out, of course, beforehand, about the average rates recorded by other players in the sector.

Differentiate yourself with your support


Do you publish regularly and attract more and more visitors? It’s a good start. However, that’s not all. Because without dedicated advertising space, you will have a hard time attracting advertisers. It is obvious, but many forget it.

So, if you want to bring in advertisers, already plan spaces and media that you will use for advertisements (banner, but also emailing, among others).

In fact, the more you make life easier for advertisers, the more they will want to come to you to promote their products and services.

They don’t have a quality client file? Offer them your own dates. Also think together about the creation of the space and the associated strategy: which landing page, when to display the advertisement, on which pages, where, to which target, etc. ?

Namely: thanks to programmatic, all this can be done automatically. So take the time to learn about the available SSPs.

Similarly, consider that users do not particularly appreciate seeing advertising popping up while reading your articles or visiting your site. In this case, consider a way to smartly integrate ads directly into your pages without degrading the user experience . We think of native advertising although it is not the only possible format.

Because a large portion of Black Friday sales happen on day one, don’t wait to showcase your site to advertisers. Start at the beginning of October. Obviously, your content marketing strategy must have been thought out months before.


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