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How can affiliation boost your online sales?

Affiliation is a performance-based marketing solution. Therefore, if your acquisition strategy is well thought out, you can benefit from advertising campaigns with excellent ROI thanks to affiliation.

Whatever your objective (improving your visibility, generating leads, boosting product sales), affiliation offers you a vast selection of ways to increase your sales.
a vast selection of ways to boost your sales


Affiliate marketing to boost short-term sales

The best way to increase sales is obviously to generate more sales. Affiliate marketing offers you many interesting business levers.

We’re thinking, first of all, of the possibility of using a Micro and Mid influencer in your sector to talk about your product or a particular service.

What’s more, to convert web users into buyers, you can use couponing or
. These are effective ways of making prospects at the end of the conversion tunnel want to buy your products rather than those of your competitors.

Not to mention comparators and traditional banners which can be strategically placed on selected sites.

Be careful, however, to opt for CPA (Cost per Action) for this type of campaign, which focuses on increasing sales.


Affiliate marketing for long-term sales growth

A company’s primary objective is to generate more sales. All marketing operations must take this into account. Even those with a to boost visibility or generate leads.

In addition to a campaign focused on a specific product or product category, you can of course also use affiliation to get the word out.

With regard to lead generation, by using a landing page to download a brochure or request a quoteYou can use business levers to generate visits to this specific page. This is the case, for example, of the banner or advertorials (article published in a major media outlet).

To improve your visibility, affiliation is also an interesting solution at all levels of the conversion tunnel. You can, for example, write a shopping guide that you share on social networks or on sites related to your business. By bringing a few interesting tips to your target audience, you’ll create a positive buzz and turn prospects into potential future customers. This is all the more interesting for seasonal sales, which require you to communicate differently depending on the time of year (and to prepare each new collection in advance, relying on affiliation, among other things).

In both cases, generating leads or improving your visibility will probably not increase your sales in the moment, but over time.


Pay-for-results: the best way to create high-performance, profitable campaigns

Why is affiliation an increasingly popular solution for companies? The answer is simple: it’s a performance marketing solution. This means, in other words, that you only pay for results. Thereby, the benefit-risk ratio is definitely in favor of advertisers. At worst, if the campaign doesn’t meet its objectives, you pay nothing. At best, if you work hard enough, it’s easy to enjoy excellent ROI.

To help you, it is possible to use affiliation platforms (such as Casaneo). The benefits are manifold.

First of all, you benefit from advice tailored to your structure and budget. That way, you can be sure you’re pulling the right levers.

In addition, a
affiliation platform
has the right tools and the right network to meet your needs quickly and easily. At Casaneo, for example, we wanted to focus on the home and fashion markets. This means that we can offer you a network of affinity publishers ensuring you benefit from hyper-qualified traffic.

As an added bonus, we provide you with a dedicated interface for track the performance of your campaignsa tracking tool to benefit from optimal traceability of your transactions (so you pay the right price) and a dedicated account manager to help you set up and optimize your campaigns.


Would you like to find out more about how you can increase your sales through affiliation? Casaneo’s experts are at your disposal to answer your questions and help you set up your campaigns or optimize them with the aim of increasing sales.


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