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How to drive traffic to your e-commerce site?

générer du trafic sur votre site e-commerce

Attracting customers and prospects to your website, so that they don’t go to your competitors, is a constant battle on the web.

That’s why every company with a website is interested in the right way to generate traffic to their site (preferably continuous and qualified).

There are a number of solutions, tools and techniques to help you do this, which we present in our article.

If you want to boost your website’s traffic with easy-to-use business levers, you’ve come to the right place.

How to generate free traffic to your website?

First of all, let’s take a look at free methods and techniques for generating traffic to your website.

How to increase the visibility of your website through SEO?

Although natural search engine optimization is often referred to as free SEO (as opposed to paid SEO), in practice it’s a little more complex.

Of course, if you have skills in SEO, web copywriting and website development, you can manage your website’s SEO yourself. Provided you have a lot of time to devote to it, because SEO is an extremely time-consuming activity.

This is why most companies with a website entrust this task to an agency or consultant, who then takes care of :

  • Define the right keywords (preferably long-tail);
  • Work on your internal and external links;
  • Identify the right actions based on your e-commerce site’s statistics (bounce rate, comparative traffic over a given period, etc.).

In this case, SEO is no longer free.

That said, at the moment, it’s probably the best way to to gain long-term traffic on sites that play the game of Google and co.

But beware: only the first items in the search results record high click-through rates. It is therefore important todraw up a precise SEO plan for rapid results.

How to boost website traffic with content?

Whether you’re interested in SEO or not, without content, it’s going to be difficult to attract visitors interested in your brand or offer.

We talk aboutinbound marketing.

We are obviously thinking of textual content adapted to an audience of readers : blog article, product sheet, home page…

But we mustn’t neglect the impact of new content that is popular with users (infographics, for example). Not to mention the guest blogging.

It’s up to you to test and share the right content with the right target audience at the right time to be sure ofget the right traffic to your site.

How can you increase the visibility of your e-commerce site through social networking?

Even though you’ve created a wonderful blog post, you notice that it’s not generating any traffic to your site? If you haven’t taken the time to share it with your audience, that’s perfectly normal.

Indeed, today, social networks have become a must for all content creators. The aim is to keep your blog post alive by sharing it regularly.

Beware: many companies make the mistake of spreading themselves too thin by being present on all the social networks of the moment. On the contrary, it is better to propose a quality communication on 1 or 2 social networks (Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn…). The impact on your site’s traffic will be much greater.

How can you attract customers and prospects to your online store with email marketing?

Inbound marketing consists in attracting Internet users passively. Outbound marketing, on the other hand, involves sending promotional messages to your targets.

This is where emailing which is still very effective today.

That said, you can no longer send the same email to thousands or even millions of people without worrying about the consistency and personalization of your message. Customers are more vigilant and do not hesitate to spam advertising messages that do not concern them.

Hence the importance of creating a emailing database.

How can you get more qualified traffic to your website quickly?

Free business levers generally take a long time to set up. That’s why some companies prefer to turn to paid advertising to immediately boost the visibility of their website.

SEA: excellent business leverage with immediate impact

Often contrasted with SEO, SEA (paid search) is an interesting interesting tool for boost your site’s traffic instantly.

Indeed, while SEO specialists struggle to achieve high search engine rankings on strategic keywords, companies using SEA know that their ad will be displayed in a good position on Google or Bing Ads (provided they select the right keywords).

Obviously, if you stop paying, you immediately lose your good positioning.

All social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn…) have their own that offer a host of tools for companies to boost their message. The principle is the same as for Google’s SEA: you create advertising content (text, infographics, video…) and define a target audience.

Then you leave it to the platform to display your content regularly on the news feeds of your prospects and customers.

Discover the many benefits of affiliation

Another business lever that is gaining in popularity for boosting website traffic: affiliation.

The idea is to create a win-win partnership with a publisher site (affiliate) who will share your message with its users.

The advantage: you pay only for the results you achieve. Which makes it a highly profitable traffic acquisition channel.

Please note: affiliation has diversified over time and today takes many forms (banners, promotional content, emailing, cashback/coupon, Facebook presence…).

Why drive traffic to your website?

Before you start thinking about attracting visitors to your website, you need to know why you’re doing it. You won’t use the same levers and techniques if you want to increase your sales or if you want, for example, to encourage your users to download your new shopping guide.

Companies often want to get more traffic to their site, but don’t really know why. Or, at least, they don’t have a precise business plan in place.

That’s why, before you start creating all kinds of content in the hope of generating more traffic to your website, take the time to define your strategy and your final objective.


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