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How to prepare your back-to-school affiliate campaign?

préparer campagne d’affiliation de rentrée

Affiliation is an increasingly popular business lever for advertisers. Indeed, this performance marketing solution allows to Reach a wider audience with relevant and personalized promotional messages.

Although it is possible to use it throughout the year, certain periods are more favourable for setting up affiliate campaigns. Among these commercial highlights, we obviously find the beginning of the school year, which also corresponds to the return from vacation.

Discover our tips for prepare your affiliate campaigns for the fall.


Why should you be interested in affiliation at the beginning of the school year?

For many families, back to school is a return to reality. After several weeks of rest (away from home or not), it’s time to get back to work. The children go back to school and the parents go back to the office.

Brands know it well: back-to-school is an interesting time for business. The children need new school supplies and new clothes. This can also make parents want to shop for them.

Plus, summer is about to end and we’ll start to find ourselves indoors more often. Some people take advantage of the last beautiful days to redefine their interior and/or to make some decoration purchases. It is also a interesting period for the sector of the house since it is the moment chosen by many students to invest their new space (studio, student room, shared apartment…).

Not to mention that some families take advantage ofto make important back-to-school purchases. This makes it easier for brands to go from prospect to customer.


Define your target and how to reach it

Of course, you won’t be the only company trying to communicate about your products and services this fall. The competition can therefore be tough. This is why it is necessary to Take the time to think through your strategy and the implementation of your affiliate campaigns.

To begin, ask yourself about the typical profile of your target. As the school year begins, our focus is on parents and children. But also to teachers, young adults still studying or in training and adolescents.

Don’t hesitate to set up as many personas and targets in order to get to know your customers and prospects better. To do this, make hypotheses that you can then confirm or refute when you obtain the first results.

Note: If you have first-party data, this is valuable information that you can use to create or optimize your personas.

Attention: to be effective, a persona file must be complete and contain a certain amount of precise information, including :

  • Descriptive information Last name, first name, age, sex, geographical area, category CSP…
  • Information related to the motivation of your target : what they like, what they don’t like, how they use a product/service, what they need…
  • Information related to the behavior of your target : browsing habits, favorite promotional elements, how they get information, what might make them want to buy…

This information will help you create your first affiliate campaigns. Obviously, if this is not your first year using affiliate marketing, use your previous results to optimize your ads.


Focus on specific campaigns and exclusive offers

Like any marketing campaign, an affiliate campaign must be based on a precise and clearly clearly defined objective. This can be an objective of improving sales and/or visibility. But, to go further, we advise you to estimate the expected results.

For example: X% increase in sales or X% increase in visitors to your site over the given period.

By completing this groundwork, you will be able to measure the results of your campaigns. This will allow you to optimize and refine it if necessary.

In all cases, we recommend that, if possible, youto establish as many campaigns as products or offers that you wish to promote.

There are several reasons for this:

  • You will be able to segment your customer database more easily and thus personalize your ads;
  • You will create specific specific landing-pages for each ad;
  • You will be able to choose the most interesting affiliate types for each campaign (taking into account your objectives);
  • It will be easier to measure the results by offer or product to know what works and what needs to be optimized.

During this period, the consumer is literally inundated with advertising messages. By choosing to use affiliation and going through the right affiliate (social networks, cashback/voucher, influencers, shopping guide, retargeting…), you can communicate differently. This represents a real opportunity to share the right message to the right person at the right time.

In this respect, do not hesitate to to propose to your affiliate partners exclusive offers that will interest them and their users.

Want to know more about affiliation? Are you in the fashion or home sector? Contact us and let us help you set up or optimize your affiliate campaign(s) for the fall.

Casaneo’s pluses:

  • The absence of set up fees which gives you the freedom to stop your campaigns whenever you want;
  • Personalized support from an account manager who can manage and optimize your campaign on a daily basis, taking into account both your objectives and the results obtained;
  • Full transparency in your branding and payment process;
  • The use of sophisticated tools for an optimal traceability of your operations and a precise follow-up of the performance of your affiliation programs.


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