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Spring cleaning your affiliate program!

The arrival of spring is the perfect time to clean up. At home, open the windows wide and let the air in. But not only !

You can also use this opportunity to check your affiliate program(s). Now that the festive season is over and the next sales are not due for a while, you can take the opportunity to check that everything is running smoothly.

As you know, every digital marketing strategy requires you to check the results of your actions in order to optimize them over time. And affiliation is no exception.

Hence the importance of taking an interest in them as regularly as possible. That’s what this spring cleaning is all about.

Sort out your affiliate partners

As you know, every affiliation program is based on a partnership between an advertiser (affiliator) and a publisher site (affiliate).

If you only have one partner, it’s easy to check whether his or her results are good or not. However, if you’ve set up a number of partnerships with different publisher sites to multiply the points of contact with your targets, it’s very important to closely study the results obtained by each one.

So, as soon as you can, take the time to find out how your
performance of your partners
. On the one hand, this will enable you to identify your best influencers, and on the other, it will allow you to question any blocking factors that may be preventing certain publisher sites from achieving the results you’re aiming for.

If you are disappointed by the results obtained by your affiliates, you may want to may be it may be necessary to go back to the basics of your strategy and
identify the types of affiliates
that match to you.

Is it the remuneration that isn’t attractive enough? Perhaps your partner lacks the concrete elements to promote you? What about program animation? Or has your product simply been selected incorrectly? In the latter case, we recommend that you check
what type of product to sell as an affiliate

Don’t hesitate to engage in dialogue to see what’s wrong. This will help you identify what’s going wrong, and inform you on how to improve your affiliate program. At the same time, we have drawn up a new list differentiating between affiliates who want to stop and those who want to continue the partnership.

To sum up : Spring cleaning begins with an audit of your affiliate partners’ performance.

Do all your advertising productions work the way you want them to?

There are two causes to consider when you notice that your affiliate program isn’t working.

First: the publisher’s site is not performing well (discuss it with him to find out what’s wrong).

The second: your creations or the information you share with your partners are obsolete or ineffective.

In the latter case, this may concern, for example :

  • Vouchers that are no longer valid;
  • A problem with your product flow ;
  • Some commercial information that is not up to date;

So take the time to look at all your ads to see which are performing well and which have a low ROI.

It’s also the ideal time to measure the results of your A/B tests (if you have set this up). We’re thinking, for example, of two messages on the same target, the same message on two different targets, or different banner formats.

So take the time to check that the information you have provided to your partner publishers is still correct. On the other hand, don’t hesitate to optimize your ads according to the results obtained.

Rechecking partnership conditions

Have you created your affiliate program? In this case, check your terms of use and see if they’re still on the agenda. Don’t hesitate to ask your legal department (internal or external) for help.

This may concern your affiliates’ membership and obligations, or the way commissions are paid (CPC, CPA, CPL, etc.).

Are you looking for the services of an affiliation platform? You may also want to change certain partnership conditions (the method of remuneration, for example).

Of course, if you change any part of your contract with an affiliate partner, you’ll need to inform them accordingly.

Ask an affiliation platform for help if you need it

You don’t have the time to take care of your affiliate program? Looking for a way to secure your partnerships with a trusted intermediary? Would you like to optimize your current affiliate program to increase profitability?

Spring cleaning can also be an opportunity to try out, if you haven’t already done so, l’
registering with an affiliation platform

If you need specific advice and support in setting up or developing your affiliate programsthis type of professional can be a great help.

At Casaneo, for example, we have chosen to specialize in the fashion and home markets. This enables us to meet the needs of all players in these specific sectors (advertisers and affiliates).

Contact us to find out more.


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