
The blog

The importance of bloggers in affiliate marketing.

guide d'intégration influence marketing

Bloggers are an important part of the publisher network of affiliate platforms . Initially attracted by brand programs seeking traffic (pay-per-click or sale), their main income actually comes from lead generation and their role as influencers with their community. Including bloggers in their affiliate strategy is a winning bet for brands for several reasons.

1 – Generate new content regularly.

Bloggers can be a regular source of new, relevant content about advertisers’ products and/or services. In an era where content on the web is king, brands sometimes have difficulty producing content that is interesting enough to hold the attention of Internet users. The latter is indeed suspicious of the objectivity of said content if it comes from the brand itself. Conversely, the success of bloggers, and a fortiori of their blogs, relies entirely on the richness and relevance of their content. Only these qualities are able to retain an audience. Being the subject of several of these contents therefore has many advantages for brands.

Bloggers have the ability to arouse the curiosity and interest of Internet users for a product or service. Being recommended by an influencer necessarily has a positive impact on traffic and sales. And of course the optimization of natural referencing (SEO) with search engines is also one of the assets of the production of content highly prized by advertisers.

2 – Make Internet users aware of the brand

Surrounding yourself with a solid network of influential bloggers has a beneficial effect on brand awareness. The customer journey has become more complex in recent years. It is now marked by an extensive search for information on the part of Internet users. The latter scour content sites (blogs, webzines, forums) and social networks in search of opinions, testimonials, tests and other reviews on the products they wish to buy. Brands must therefore be present on these different points of contact, and in particular on blogs, to build a relationship of trust with their prospects.

This is all the more true as each blogger has their own style and universe, the content produced gives a rich and eclectic vision of the brand. At the same time, they increase its notoriety and its capital-trust among Internet users. Reassured, the latter are more inclined to make their purchases. We see that all brands that have deployed a content strategy with influencers will eventually see their conversion rate increase.

3 – Deploy a new sales channel

Bloggers can become real ambassadors for your brand, and therefore an additional sales force, without taking on the costume of the “salesman” often leaked by customers. What is characteristic of bloggers is precisely their honesty and their total absence of jargon. This is what makes them successful with their audience.

Imagine that EnjoyPhoenix , the idol of teenage girls, praises a cosmetic product which she knows gives redness to whoever applies it to the face. What would happen? She would simply lose the trust of her community and therefore her source of income. Bloggers need brands to monetize their audience. Brands need bloggers because they are a vector of trust between them and Internet users. They are also the best sales people on the web that they can recruit. In this, they are a nugget for any affiliate program.

4 – Connect Internet users to niche markets

Bloggers have the ability to deal with highly specialized and specific topics. They thus position themselves on what are called niche markets. Markets that traditional marketing such as e-mailing can sometimes struggle to reach. To exist in a niche market, it is essential to establish a lasting partnership with influential bloggers connected to this market. This partnership will increase over time the number of prospects and customers of the advertiser.

5 – Increase your presence on social networks

Blogging involves direct engagement with Internet users. Social networks are the privileged space for this commitment, for this dialogue between bloggers and their community. The majority of them have accounts on social networks to relay their articles and share their news. They also use it to interact with their audience. In this, a brand ambassador blogger can at times take on the role of a community manager (at least on the reactions aroused by his own publications). Nurturing this dialogue can sometimes be complex for companies with a small marketing team. Indeed, this type of activity can quickly become time-consuming. Bloggers are experienced in this type of exercise and have mastered the art of online conversation to perfection. They can therefore increase the presence of a brand on social networks and strengthen the digital strategy deployed on these media.

And you ? Have you considered integrating bloggers into your affiliate marketing strategy? To develop and establish your notoriety with your target audiences? To establish a lasting relationship with them?


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