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5 tips for building brand awareness through affiliate marketing

notoriété et affiliation

Affiliation is an interesting business lever. It is suitable for both young brands and companies already well established in their sector. Using a performance marketing model, Advertisers who work smart benefit from a rewarding system with a particularly high ROI.

Affiliates receive additional income based on their results.

Everyone wins… as long as they follow our advice.

Choose the right partners

You can have created a powerful and striking campaign, if it does not reach the right target, it will generate inconclusive results. It’s all about identifying your target.

It is therefore necessary to contact the right affiliate partners according to their type and audience.

As such, here are all types of affiliates:

  • Affinity sites: media sites, blogs… ;
  • Influencers;
  • Social networks;
  • Cashback and coupon sites;
  • Price comparison ;
  • Shopping guides ;
  • Adtech (display retargeting and targeting, remarketing, etc.) ;
  • Email marketing;
  • Keyworder;
  • White label affiliation.

Some of them are very efficient to increase your visibility while others are more adapted to a strategy of increasing sales. We’ve written an article dedicated to the types of affiliates to choose from.

Do not hesitate to multiply the points of contact with your targets by choosing several types of affiliates and by diversifying your campaigns.

Promote your brand: adopt the right affiliation strategy

Affiliation can be used to increase your turnover as well as to boost your visibility. However, be careful not to spread yourself too thin and to define the objective of your campaign.

We don’t work in the same way or with the same affiliates to increase sales or improve our brand’s presence on the web.

So ask yourself why you want to promote your brand. Is it to make more sales in general? Is it to accompany the release of a new product or your business creation?

If you want to make more sales, cashback and coupon code sites are excellent business levers that will allow you to make yourself known to a public looking for good deals. Moreover, the studies on the subject indicate that 63% of Internet users appreciate discovering new e-tailers through this process.

If you want to boost your online visibility, media sites, social networks and influencers should be consideredas well as email marketing.

Offer innovative and useful content

Choosing the right partner and having a strategy in place that is consistent with your objectives is useless if the content does not follow. Indeed, it is essential to respond to the needs and desires of your targets to hope to make them want to be interested in your ads.

In addition to the traditional banner, you need to be able to offer original, interactive content. This can be a contest, a video tutorial, a survey or an event participation.

Be precise and do not hesitate to personalize your message as much as possible.

In all cases, show that you are an expert in your field. This will encourage your audience to trust you and share your content to further enhance the reach of your promotional message.

Think ROI

Although this channel is considered a performance marketing solution and as an advertiser you only pay for results, it is essential to think ROI. This means thinking about best way to get the most out of your advertising investment.

In addition to selecting the right affiliate, it is therefore the right remuneration model.

If your objective is to increase your online visibility, CPC can be an interesting remuneration model for you. With a view to increasing sales, the CPA (Cost per Share) is more relevant while the CPL (Cost per Lead) is generally used for appointment setting or to get more email contacts.

Please note: You can combine different compensation models if you wish.. This is how many advertisers run their affiliate programs. It enables us to challenge our affiliate partners during peak sales periods, by improving commissions for a time.

In any case, the will to make your brand known should not prevent you from from regularly checking the results of your campaigns to make sure that the investment is worthwhile for you.

Get help from a specialized affiliate platform

As you can see: affiliation, although interesting and very profitable, can be very time consuming. It includes :

  • affiliate search
  • content creation
  • animating your programs
  • monitoring results
  • any associated optimization

It can be difficult to find your way around, which is why you can entrust the management of your affiliation campaign to an affiliation platform such as Casaneo (provided, as far as we are concerned, that you are in the world of fashion or home). An account manager is on hand to manage and optimize your program, advise you and answer any questions you may have.

So you can Use our industry expertise to build brand awareness quickly and confidently. Just like you, we attach great importance to the ROI of your affiliate campaign. This leads us to to perform the right actions at the right time by targeting the right people.

Contact us to find out more and benefit from our innovative technology.


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