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Affiliation: choose between self-service platform or managed network?

type gestion affiliation

If you are interested in affiliation and want to go through an affiliation platform , you have the choice between 2 types of solutions.

On the one hand, we have a platform that allows advertisers to manage their campaigns independently. That’s what we call self-service platform. On the other, you find managed network platforms that support their clients and take care of the management of their affiliate campaign.

Of course, each has its pros and cons. Read our comparison to find out more.

All about self-service affiliate platforms

So-called self-service platforms offer the right tools to their advertiser clients so that they can manage their campaigns independently. It is often the choice of generalist platforms that offer a wide choice of publisher sites. So, whatever the sector in which you operate, you can find a suitable answer thanks to this type of solution.

The advantage here being the versatility. However, since advertisers have to manage their programs, it is essential to learn how to quickly master the tool to achieve good performance. Moreover, it is not uncommon for the operation of these platforms to be quite complex. It is in particular what can feel the people who do not know the lever of the affiliation and who can be lost by its “jargon”.

First, it will be necessary to create your program by configuring your campaign and choosing the rules and commission rates. Then, you will have to choose yourself the affiliates who seem to correspond to your needs and your values. Once the partnership has been established, you can negotiate with your affiliate and provide the right elements to talk about your company and your offer.

Finally, this type of platform offers the possibility of precisely monitoring the performance of its campaigns thanks to precise tracking software. It is therefore possible to take note of different statistics and to remunerate the affiliates according to their results.

If you already have some affiliate knowledge, this is an interesting choice.

Managed Network Affiliate Platform: The Pros and Cons

Another possibility for advertisers is to use the expertise of a managed network affiliate platform. This type of affiliate platform knows perfectly the sectors with which it works and can therefore support its customers to improve their affiliate programs .

The difference being made here mainly on the accompaniment proposed. So, in addition to sorting affiliates carefully in order to guarantee an interesting ROI , it is possible to ask for help from a dedicated account manager to identify any blocking points.

Thanks to this privileged interlocutor, all the companies and all the professionals wishing to test the affiliation can start without fear.

Note: The work of this type of affiliate platform is to completely manage the advertiser’s campaign by taking care of the optimization of the program and the management of financial flows with affiliates (payments and invoicing).

Which platform to choose?

Obviously, if you can, it’s best to seek help from a managed network affiliate platform.. Especially if you are new to this or if you don’t have the time to manage your affiliate program. You then benefit from the expertise of an affiliate specialist who will optimize your campaigns according to your needs and your objective by going to see the right affiliates (with whom he has a privileged contact). Concerning you, you only have to consult the statistics of your campaign and take advantage of the results of the latter. Obviously, the account manager is at your disposal to discuss and adapt to your needs and requirements.

Indeed, you should know that managing an affiliate program manually is extremely time-consuming. Creating campaigns already takes some time. But you also have to take into account the search for affiliates, the animation of your program, the monitoring of performance and the optimization of your ads. Moreover, although the self-service platform offers a wide choice of affiliates, all networks combined, in fact, it turns out that it is difficult to communicate with them given the low response rate. This can waste your valuable time.

So, if you are an affiliate specialist, it may be appropriate to go through a self-service platform. If it’s not the case, a managed network platform is more suitable .

Good to know: at Casaneo, we do not offer any set-up costs (setup costs) and no commitment. This can be a good reason to test our platform specializing in the fashion and home sectors. Contact us to learn more about how we work and our technology.


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