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How to convert visitors to your site through affiliation?

convertir les visiteurs en revenus

Affiliate marketing is a powerful business lever if you use it intelligently. Whether you are an advertiser or an affiliate, each party must work efficiently to achieve a good customer conversion rate.

Discover our tips for converting your site visitors through affiliation.


Choose the right partners

This is, without a doubt, the most important criterion in affiliation: the choice of the affiliate partner. Indeed, you can have a great product and a strong commercial message, if you don’t target the right people, you won’t convert.

Thus, it is necessary to carefully select your affiliate partners to be sure to choose those that meet your needs.

Note: There are many types of affiliates, from affinity sites to social networks, coupon code/cashback sites, price comparison sites and retargeting.

The advantage here is that you can use affiliation to reach out to new audiences and expand your audience by communicating differently.

Please note: depending on your objective, you will not use the same affiliates. In this case, since your goal is to convert, we advise you to look at partners at the end of the conversion tunnel. This can be cashback sites and coupon codes (which can make your prospects want to make a purchase) or certain technologies such as retargeting or email remarketing.


Define your targets to sell the right product to the right people

Selecting the right partners also requires taking a close look at the products and services you are promoting and the people you want to target.

Indeed, each affiliate partner will have a defined audience and user profile (or followers). To interest them, and thus increase your conversion rate, you will have to convince them and talk to them in terms they know and that make sense.

In addition, you must be sure to communicate on a quality product. This applies to both advertisers and affiliates. Indeed, if you offer an item with low added value, it is likely that your campaigns will have trouble converting or that you will have to deal with bad customer reviews or even product returns with refunds.

If you want to convert, it is important to satisfy your audience and satisfy both their demand and their requirements. So before you go into affiliation, be sure that the references you want to communicate on are really able to convert.

In fact, many affiliates learn about the affiliate products offered by looking at customer reviews, among other things. Therefore, having a poor quality product can prevent you from starting any affiliate campaign.


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Test and optimize your campaigns

In marketing, it is important to measure the impact of your campaigns and optimize them. This is facilitated by the numerous metrics available (especially if you use an affiliate platform).

Therefore, if your campaign is not meeting its initial conversion objective, don’t hesitate to test new things and to dissect each step of the conversion tunnel in order toidentify the problems blocking your customers’ conversion.

Surely you have set up a landing page to welcome your visitors? This can be a first blocking point. So ask yourself if the person who clicked on the ad can easily find the desired information. If it is the case, look at your payment and delivery process.

In some cases, we also observe that the products are no longer in stock or that the voucher code no longer works.

You can use mystery shoppers who will test your conversion tunnel. This will help you to know precisely the origin of the problem in order to solve it.

As you can see, an affiliation campaign, like all marketing campaigns, requires regular optimization in order to obtain an interesting conversion rate.

Of note: studies on the subject have shown that the average conversion rate in affiliation is between 0.5% and 1%, all sectors combined (it can obviously fluctuate depending on the sector).

Animate your affiliate programs

If your campaign has reached a large audience, but the conversion rate is low, the problem may be with your affiliate partners.

This is why it is important toanimate your affiliate programs by offering regular challenges and benefits in kind (invitations to events, exclusive discount coupons, etc.).

Also, are you providing the right elements to your partners ? Indeed, if they cannot communicate effectively about your products and services, it is difficult to be successful.

Do not hesitate to identify the most successful affiliates and those, on the contrary, who do not have conclusive results in order to act accordingly by rewarding, for example, the first ones in order to encourage them to sell more and more and by questioning the second ones to identify the blocking points.

Get help from an affiliate platform if you need it

Because setting up and running an affiliate program can be particularly time-consuming more and more organizations are calling on affiliation platforms to support them on a daily basis. Indeed, unless you have the human and financial resources to work on this lever on a regular basis, it is difficult to manage both the recruitment of affiliates and the animation of your network.

By trusting Casaneo, for example, you benefit from personalized support that allows you to talk with a dedicated account manager.

As a bonus, we provide our customers with a sophisticated sophisticated tracking software which traces each operation of each campaign. This is in order toavoid any risk of fraud and benefit from numerous statistics to facilitate the management of your programs.

If you are in the fashion and home sectors, don’t wait to take advantage of our affinity network. Contact us for more information.

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