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What types of affiliates to recruit for your affiliate program?

recruter affiliés affiliation

You surely know that affiliate marketing is a performance marketing lever that consists of connecting an advertiser (affiliate) and a publisher affiliate site (affiliate) in order to promote products or services through advertisements.

But did you know that there are several types of affiliates? Depending on your needs, you will therefore not choose the same type of partner.

Discover in detail each type of affiliates and their advantages .


Types of affiliates and their benefits

Whether you choose to go into direct affiliation or through a specialized affiliation platform, discover the different types of affiliation that you can implement.


Affinity sites

This type of affiliate is, without a doubt, the best known. This category includes all sites related to your theme. It may be some blogs, media sites or all types of content sites. The goal here is to precisely target the sites where you want your ad to appear.

The advantage being to be able to easily decide on the remuneration and the type of partnership (banner, editorial content, etc.).

On the other hand, some affinity sites are not affiliate experts.. As a result, it will sometimes be necessary to support them in the deployment and monitoring of your affiliate campaigns (or to go through a affiliate platform ).

That being said, affinity sites make it possible to target highly qualified audiences. As such, it is an important lever that should not be overlooked.


Social networks and influencers

Second types of affiliates: people who use social networks to communicate with their community. Also called influencers, they are excellent partners when it comes to target, here too, specific audiences. Whether on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube , advertisers have a large number of tools and data at their disposal to set up advertising campaigns based on very precise segmentation .

To know: before contacting influencers and highlighting some of your references, you should first find out about their audiences and their ability to federate and animate a community around the same theme.

Here too, all methods of remuneration are possible.


Cashback websites

The objective of a cashback site is to allow its users to recover part of the amount of their purchase (taking into account the commission).

Mainly using a CPA remuneration method , these sites are at the end of the conversion tunnel , when the buyer already knows what he is going to buy.

In this, cashback sites are to be differentiated from the two previous types of affiliates which are located at the start of the conversion tunnel.


Promo code websites

As their name suggests, promo code sites offer their users different promotions on a wide choice of references. These promotions can take the form of reductions on the price of a product or free delivery.

In any case, here too, we are at the very end of the conversion tunnel. Moreover, you should know that promotions are in addition to commission .

A few figures to know to properly assess the power of this affiliate:

  • 53% of users abandon their cart if they can’t get coupon codes;
  • Promo codes are the number one solution for Internet users to save money (68% like it compared to 24% for sales);
  • 42% of consumers can switch brands with a coupon;
  • 67% of Internet users have put a product in the basket to take advantage of a promo code;
  • The promo code allows you to recruit 15% of new customers;
  • The promo code generates a 7x higher conversion rate.


Shopping guides and price comparison

Here is an interesting type of affiliate to reach intentionists in the research phase for a purchase. Indeed, on this type of affiliate site, the price is a particularly important factor .. You have to think carefully about the products you want to highlight.

Very effective if you want to increase the visibility of your products, these sites offer types of remuneration based on CPC or CPA .

Note: it is essential to provide them with product feeds. It will therefore be necessary to take an interest in feed managers to optimize your campaigns.



Retargeting is a technique that consists of sending a message to Internet users who have left your site without carrying out the planned action (purchase or subscription to a newsletter) in order to encourage them to come back to finalize what they have started.

This can take the form of a retargeting display (simple or dynamic) or a remarketing email with, for example, an abandoned cart promotion.

Using CPC or CPA compensation models , most of the time the affiliate will be working from a post-click cookie.

Note: to seek out new prospects, this lever can be combined with other solutions such as ReachTargeting, which combines retargeting with audience extension.


On-site re-engagement

A solution that is similar to retargeting, but intervenes directly on the site. When the Internet user is about to leave the site, you display a pop-up which should give him want to stay with an incentive message. This may, for example, contain a promotion.

Many systems can be set up with a type of fixed remuneration or CPA. However, be careful think about message display scenarios to avoid offering Internet users pop-ups that are too invasive.


Email marketing

Working with this type of affiliate allows you to obtain segmented email databases according to your criteria. Which means, in other words, and in theory, you are able to get many new customers or subscribers easily.

Highly appreciated for its ability to generate leads and a high conversion rate , it is possible to choose a type of remuneration at CPL, CPC and sometimes CPA .

Be careful, however, to choose a serious affiliate with real qualified databases and offering you the possibility of supporting you in the management of your email campaigns.



These affiliates also called “Keyworder” are experts in buying keywords in search engines. Their objective: to identify the most profitable keywords for a specific sector in order to generate the best result at the best cost for their clients.

Be careful, however, not to enter into direct competition with your ads if you too use this channel.


White label affiliation

This type of affiliate allows the affiliator to create a page or even a store integrated directly into the publisher site. The best example is Amazon.

The objective: to take advantage, for the affiliator, of the striking power of a large site to gain visibility and sell its products directly on it.


If you want to be accompanied by an affiliate platform, discover our 5 criteria to choose it well .


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